Diet and Nutrition Tips For Women

Here are a few diet and nutrition tips for women that’ll help you out in your effort to lose weight and be healthy. I’m not going to be unrealistic here. I can give you a great diet that I know you won’t use, but I won’t do that. I’m going to give you practical information that is easy for you to use immediately.

Diet and Nutrition Tips for Women

1. Have a 12-ounce, 1/2 scoop protein shake with each meal

Simple huh? If you say no, then I urge you to use shaker bottles and pre-fill them with 1/2 scoop of protein powder and 12 ounces of water. Bring 1-2 of them with you. They’re small. Then when you’re about to eat, take it out, shake it, then drink with your meal.

Why do this? Because if you think about it, you’re body is made of protein. It kinda needs it. Protein speeds up the metabolism and helps to dampen your appetite too. This is a no-brainer. You can get a 2 pound jug of good protein powder at Wal-Mart for about $14. This will last you almost 3 weeks if you used it as outlined above.

2. Eat a lot of low calorie yogurts

I’ll go back to Wal-Mart for this. At 33 cents a yogurt, you can load up on 80 calorie yogurts. These snacks are great and convenient. Minimum calories while filling you up pretty good. Heck, go nuts. Eat 3 of these a day. Big deal. What is that, a “WHOPPING” 240 calories. Pfft. That’s nothing. Yet it helps tide you over between meals.

These are 2 simple diet and nutrition tips for women that you can do right now… today.


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