Calorie Shifting in a Nutshell

Calorie Shifting is not exactly a new form of dieting, its been around for awhile, it has just never been an easy to follow diet.

Basically what happens, is you shift your calorie intake around, to fool your metabolism, into thinking that it has taken in the higher amount of calories than you actually took in for that day. Thus it will burn past what you took in, and burn your stored fat, instead of going into starvation mode, in return you lose weight. Thats calorie shifting in a nut shell. Seems pretty simple right? Well, its not exactly really all that simple.

The only way for calorie shifting to work is if you plan ahead, and make sure you eat the right amount of calories each day. Meaning, you will need to know how much your intake is, and know this for each food you eat. So as to not go to much under, or to much over. Not only do you need to know this, but you also need to know when to eat certain types of food through out the day. Why? Because there are certain types of foods that your body needs at different times of the day, different things it needs to keep it healthy and going. This all has to be planned ahead of time, if you try to do this on the fly its bound to fail.

The first thing you need to do is find out how many calories your body needs to keep running. Then, you find out how fast you want to lose weight, without damaging yourself. Keep in mind, 2 lbs a week is about normal for weight loss. However, if you want to lose more per week, please be careful. The best way to find out what your calorie intake should per day to lose weight, will be to find out how much you actually want to lose in a week.

Lets take the 2 LBS per week as an example. Lets say that you need about 3000 Calories a day to fuel your body. This is pretty much the amount you would eat to keep healthy, and maintain your weight. Now, to lose a pound, you need to have a calorie deficit of 3500 Calories. So, to lose 2 Lbs per week, you need a total deficit of 7000 calories for the week. Which would mean you need to eat about 1000 calories less each day. However, if you just went ahead and ate 2000 calories a day straight up, your body would adapt, and just plateau. The plateau effect would happen in about a week or 2 from the time you started your diet. So what you must do is create an average daily intake of 2000 calories per day through out the week. That means when you tally up all of your calories for the week, and average it out, it will be 2000 calories per day. Meaning, there will be some days that you will eat less calories than the next, and more on some days, but always averaging out to be 2000 per week.

The best way to go about this, is take the 2000 calories per day, and start subtracting calories some days, while adding them to another day. Then, once you have that down, for the 7 days, you create a meal plan based off of that intake. In the end it will look a lot like a curve graph, starting high, curving down, then back up, and back down.

Now comes the fun part, once that 7 days is over, you create a new plan. Sure, you could use the same plan over and over again, but that could get pretty boring, pretty fast. And, you would risk the plateau effect as well.

Just set a goal of fat loss, and stick to it, and you will be surprised at how much you can accomplish.


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