Flat Belly Fast - Tips and Protocols
Want a flat belly fast? Ok, here are a few tips and protocols to get you closer to that goal. Do these things I’m going to mention and you should notice your stomach flattening out and firming up. Read this now for the solution to belly fat.
Flat Belly Fast
1. Stomach sucking in
Ok, this is technically called the “vacuum pose”. To be a little technical here, crunches and situps rely on “concentric tension”. The vacuum pose relies on the SUPERIOR “isometric tension”. This type of tension within your abdominals will help to flatten your abs way better and way faster.
It’s simple. Suck in your belly for 3-5 seconds. Stop, rest 3-5 seconds. Then repeat.
You can do these whenever and wherever… standing, sitting, or lying down. I prefer to do them standing up. I would like for you to do these for 5-10 minutes non-stop. However, I know you’re probably busy and may have a hard time fitting that in. In that case, just do them “here and there” throughout the day. 1-2 of them every once in awhile. It adds up.
Results to expect from this… 1.5-2 inches lost from your waist in a month or less. Hundreds of my clients got those results, why can’t you? You just gotta do it.
2. Use “snack manipulation” diet tricks
Ok, here’s the thing about snacks. Judging from my clients, it’s much easier to manipulate your diet and attain healthier eating by changing your snacks. This in turn will have a “ripple effect” on your meals when done right. Combined, this spells out great results for weight loss… FOR YOU.
Ideal snack manipulation… eat snacks that are high in protein or fiber.
Why? Because they either fill you up and or boost the metabolism NATURALLY. Ideal choices include string cheese, low calorie yogurts, apples, and beef jerky. Those 4 things give you plenty of variety and they’re very portable to take anywhere.
Combined, these are 2 simple ways on how to get a flat belly fast.
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